What Are Your Rights as a Tenant with Mold in Florida?
The legal boundaries of a tenant-landlord relationship are regulated on a state level, which means if you are living in Wisconsin, The Virgin Island, or on the International Space Station (can mold grow in space?) this article is, unfortunately, not for you. But for those of you living in the Sunshine State, you know as well as I do that the nickname does not account for the amount of moisture in the air, and the level of rainfall Florida can experience year-round. Hurricane season is always an up-and-coming affair, and for those living in a rented space, it can be tricky to navigate repairs with your landlord – things like water damage, leaks, and possible mold.
Places Where Mold Can Hide
There are many obvious places you might expect to find mold in your home: the walls near outdoor sliding glass doors, where water damage often occurs; ceilings, where leaks seep into the materials and fester; or near windows, where moisture levels are high as can be. Anywhere there is moisture – especially in places that don’t see the light – mold has an increased chance of growing and thriving.
Get Rid of Mold in Walls
If there is one thing we all can relate to, it is our significant other telling us not to call (insert specialist here), because they can fix if for cheaper. However as experience has shown, this is often not the case. A simple plumbing issue can turn into a busted pipe – or in the case of mold, the spores can go from contained to spread so far throughout the home that you have to throw away everything you own.
Mold Testing For Florida Homes
WHY FLORIDIAN HOMES SHOULD BE TESTED FOR MOLD TODAY The holiday season is one of our favorites, but with all the Falala’ing to be done, and Christmas carols to be sung, it is easy to push important things to the back of our minds. One of these things is the safety of our homes.
Florida Mold Remediation Expert
AN INTERVIEW WITH MARK MONGON, VICE-PRESIDENT OF TCB ENVIROCORP SENIOR FIELD OPERATOR AND SENIOR SCIENTIST WHEN DID YOU START TCB ENVIRO CORP, AND WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO GET INTO THE BUSINESS OF MOLD REMEDIATION? My wife and I started TCB Envirocorp in 2009. I had been involved in remediation in Boston on “The Big Dig” and in New York. When the state of Florida enacted licensing and regulations for mold remediation and removal, we felt called to make the move to the Sunshine State.
Keep Mold Out Of Your Home
The damage to your home has been done – or so you thought. Then, you called a mold remediation company like TCB Envirocorp, and they helped you reclaim the quality of life, health, and cleanliness you enjoyed before. But now that the remediation is finished, what can you do to avoid going through the same troubles in the future?
The Health Warning Signs Of Mold:
How To Listen When Your Body Says, “YOU HAVE MOLD!”
When the average person thinks of mold, they think of gross green, fuzzy spots growing on something old. But the truth is, mold can be subtle, sneaky, and growing in places you would never think to check. This is how some mold issues, the kind that make homes unlivable, are allowed to go on for so long – and cause irreversible damage to your home, your health, and your bank account.
Common places to find mold in a home
BATHROOMS Your shower, toilet, and sink are some of the most common locations for mold and mildew. These areas have a lot of moisture sources and can quickly become mold infested. You may see traces on the shower curtain, as well as behind the sink or toilet. mold testing jacksonville fl HOW TO KEEP MOLD OUT OF BATHROOMS Whenever water has dripped on the floor of the bathroom, dry the surface as soon as possible. You will also want to run the bathroom ventilation fan to pull moisture from the area. It is recommended you leave the fan on for 20 minutes after a shower/steam. If you find that you are getting mold/mildew in your bathroom you may want to check your exhaust fan and make sure it is functioning properly.