Water Leak? Now What?

June 4, 2020|

Leaks in plumbing can lead to many more devasting issues and health concerns than just water damage. Leaks often go unnoticed, only to be discovered by the sudden appearance of a water stain. Sometimes it takes the stench ofmold to alert the homeowner. Even leaks from burst plumbing lines can lead to mold on and behind drywall and other porous surfaces. SIGNS OF A WATER LEAK Having a water leak is a stressful time for a homeowner. Knowing what to look for helps alleviate the potential for long term damage and health issues resulting from mold.

Is Household Mold Effecting the Health of You and Your Family?

May 1, 2020|

WHAT IS MOLD? Mold is a type of fungus. It is a member of the fungi kingdom which is much more expansive than mushrooms as many believe. Fungi have a different cell structure than plants and animals and generally reproduce through spores. Mold thrives in moisture-rich places, which is why household mold is so common – our homes trap moisture. Common household products, such as air conditioners, contribute to mold growth throughout the house, increasing you and your family’s likelihood of encountering mold and the exposure of having adverse health effects on you, your family and your pets.

Don’t Put Off Mold Testing Any Longer!

April 8, 2020|

How Homeowners Are Harming Themselves Amid COVID-19 : Social distancing, stay-at-home orders, self-quarantine, coronavirus; these words dominate the newsfeed of today, with the historic global pandemic causing millions of people to shut themselves inside for the health of the greater good. The CDC estimates that between 160 to 240 million people could end up infected during this outbreak.

House Call: Check under your sinks for mold

November 6, 2019|

THE IMPORTANCE OF HOME MOLD TESTING : On a recent call, a client had a water leak under their sink that went unnoticed due to cleaning materials obscuring the view. It was not until they smelled something that they began the hunt of what it could be. By the time the leak was detected, the damage had been done. Mold had grown on the wood and drywall!

House Call: Check upper kitchen cabinets for mold growth!

September 25, 2019|

THE IMPORTANCE OF HOME MOLD TESTING : The initial inspection showed high moisture levels located behind the upper kitchen cabinet. The rear of the cabinet showed damage with crackling and peeling of surface. Suspect mold growth was observed on the cabinet. Subsequent mold test sampling indicated Stachybotrys, a particularly toxic micro toxin.

How to Prevent Mold Growth on Windowsills

July 17, 2019|

Ever wonder what the discoloration is on your windows? You may be growing mold! But don’t panic, TCB EnviroCorp is here to help. HOW DO I KNOW IF MOLD IS GROWING ON MY WINDOWS? You may not realize you have mold growing on your windows. On most homes, mold begins to grow at the bottom of the windows at the joint between the glass and window sash frame. Typically, the mold is colored and able to be seen, however, the mold can be the same color as the window frame, making it very difficult to see.

Is Black Mold Hiding in Your Walls?

June 11, 2019|

WHAT IS BLACK MOLD? There are more than 100,000 known types of mold, many of them are black. Unless they are Stachybotrys, however, they are not “black” mold. Stachybotrys chartarum is by all accounts the only “black” mold recognized by most professionals. There are many other indoor toxic molds, including Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria to name a few.

New Homes are at risk for mold growth!

October 10, 2018|

CAN MOLD GROW IN NEW HOMES? Although older houses may be more prone to leaks, new ones are also vulnerable to mold because of energy-efficient windows and doors can keep moisture trapped inside. Follow these tips to reduce your risk.

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