The symptoms of toxic mold exposure can range from a slight annoyance, to dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Some of these symptoms – like damage to the respiratory system – are extremely difficult to reverse, even after mold is removed from the immediate surroundings.
Symptoms Of Mold Exposure
Mold symptoms are a lot like the tides of the sea – they can ebb and flow. One moment you’re ACHOOing like Sneezy the dwarf, and the next morning, tissues are no longer a life necessity. It would be easy to blame some of these symptoms on seasonal allergies, and you would be half right! A lot of these symptoms are allergic reactions, but they aren’t due to the flowers that are a-bloomin’.
The human body is designed to reject any toxic matter, and toxic mold spores are the epitome of what your body does not want to let in. Think of these symptoms as warnings from the bouncers of your body, telling you that shady characters are trying to get into the club.
Common symptoms of mold exposure range in severity, from a headache, cough, sneezing, difficulty breathing, to the development of chronic disorders such as asthma, an eczema-like skin rash, and pulmonary hemorrhages. None of these sound pleasant.
Detox From Mold
The good news is that there are things you can do – in addition to getting a mold inspection – to fight off fungus in the body. You can promote wholesome healing utilizing specific herbs and spices. Here are some common anti-fungal foods you may have in your kitchen right now.
Ginger is a root plant that is used in countries and cultures all around the world to treat ailments and soothe symptoms such as an upset stomach, inflammation, and sore throats. Ginger is also known to contain the antifungal compounds gingerol and shogaol. These components help inhibit the growth of C. albicans and support a healthy balance of bacteria in order to avoid overgrowth.
One of the best ways to incorporate fresh ginger into your diet is to brew it in a tea and sip it while waiting for your air quality test results to come back!
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is not just the luxurious moisturizer that you can slather on any part of your body – it is also renowned for its impressive antifungal properties. Studies show that this oil is known for being effective against one of the most common fungal infections, Candida albicans.
Coconut oil contains Lauric acid and Caprylic acid. These fatty acids act by poking holes in the cell walls of Candida albicans, destroying the fungus and stopping overgrowth.
Try to use coconut oil in place of other oils in cooking and baking. It can also be used as a butter replacement on toast, with a little sea salt!
Besides its use in fighting vampires and bad dates, garlic is one of the most well-known medicinal foods, with a host of benefits and uses. One of those medicinal qualities is a compound called allicin, which is recognized to have potent anti-fungal properties.
A great way to add some more garlic to your diet is by adding it raw (allicin is damaged by heat) to a host of different dishes, or as a topping. To gain the most allicin benefits, be sure to chop or crush the garlic about 5 to 10 minutes before consuming. This enzyme needs a little time and exposure to the air to reach its peak medicinal levels.
TCB For Florida Mold Removal
While you can eat all these foods by the bowl-full, the best way to protect yourself and your family from toxic mold exposure and the symptoms that come with it, is to get a professional to inspect, remove, and remediate the mold. Mark Mongon and the team at TCB EnviroCorp, Inc. can determine if your home is susceptible to mold growth and offer treatment options for living a mold-free life.