The combination of numerous waterways and warm weather is one of the advantages of making St. Augustine and the north Florida area your home, but it can also be a good environment for mold and mildew to thrive. Mold spores can aggravate allergies and other illnesses.

Where Does Mold Grow?

Mold can grow on many things, including, drywall, carpet, wood, paint and fabric. Although molds often originate behind walls and crawl spaces due to dampness, spores can easily spread through the rest of your home. Mold spores that are set adrift in your home will find an appropriate place to live and grow, like bathrooms and kitchens which contain adequate food and moisture.

A musty smell is often the first and easily recognizable sign that you could have some mold growth. If you notice a musty smell or suspect your home may have some mold, follow the tips below.

How To Prevent Mold Growth


  • Open windows in affected areas.
  • It’s not advised to touch or handle any affected materials. If you must, be sure to wear rubber gloves, protective clothing and a mask.
  • Remove all soft materials (i.e. towels, clothing) immediately, and wash and store elsewhere.
  • Contact a certified, experienced professional restoration company. The majority of the time, mold remediation is covered under your homeowners insurance policy.


  • Touch or handle affected materials without protective measures mentioned above.
  • Sleep in any rooms where mold is present or nearby.
  • Vacuum anything.
  • Turn on air conditioning or heating as it can spread contamination.

We Are Expert Mold Removal Specialists

Mark S. Mongon is Vice President of St. Augustine-based TCB EnviroCorp, Inc. He is a licensed Mold Remediator and Assessor as well as a General Contractor licensed in the State of Florida with over 30 years of experience in the industry

You can find TCB EnviroCorp at or 904-827-1653.